Other Life Forms

Symbol   Geist

Is there any information about any life forms on Earth or in our Universe that is either not know to the general Human population or Scientists on Earth? I am going to look into Billy Meier's material and any of the Plejaren information to try and find some answers to this. Also I am going to find if any information from Earth Human sources exist.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 256" dated May 13th, 1996, 2:05 PM

Billy Billy
You and Quetzal, you have once spoken of talposbacteria, so-called heat bacteria, that, for example, live in fire, as also in lava and magma and in hot springs, in hot mud and even in suns. Du und Quetzal, ihr habt einmal von Talposbakterien gesprochen, sogenannten Hitzebakterien, die z.B. im Feuer leben, wie auch in Lava und Magma und in heissen Quellen, in heissem Schlamm und gar in Sonnen.
Ptaah Ptaah
86. That is correct. 86. Das ist richtig.
87. It thereby concerns itself with bacteria, which first become properly alive and active with high temperatures. 87. Es handelt sich dabei um Bakterien, die erst bei hohen Temperaturen richtig lebendig und aktiv werden.
88. The activation temperatures of the talposbacteria are different according to their kind; so there are indeed those which begin to develop their activity at eighty degrees (C) of heat, as also those which are properly in their living element with several hundred, or thousand, with tens of thousands or even indeed first with a million degrees of heat. 88. Die Temperaturen der Aktivwerdung der Talposbakterien ist je nach ihrer Art verschieden; so gibt es sowohl welche, die bei 80 Grad Hitze ihre Aktivität zu entwickeln beginnen, als auch solche, die erst bei mehreren Hundert oder Tausend, bei Zigtausend oder gar erst bei Millionen Grad Hitze so richtig in ihrem lebenselement sind.
89. As a rule, their nourishment comes from different kinds of hot gasses, which, in part, are also radioactive. 89. Ihre Nahrung besteht in der Regel aus heissen Gasen verschiedenster Art, die zum Teil auch radioaktiv sind.

English translation of "Contact Report 256" can be found HERE


Here Earth's Plejaren king of wisdom and guide (see page "Contact Persons" under Human Visitors) JHWH Ptaah explaining to Billy about Bacteria that live in high temperatures. These bacteria are called Talposbacteria. Ptaah explains that there are different kinds of this Talposbacteria that live in different temperature environments or ecosystems. From 8 degrees C up to a million degrees C.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 256" dated May 13th, 1996, 2:05 PM

Billy Billy
That indeed also explains that they exist in the suns and hot nebulae of outer space. Billy Das erklärt wohl auch, dass sie in Sonnen und heissen Nebelgebilden des Weltenraums existieren.
Is that also the case with galactic central suns? Ist das auch der Fall bei galaktischen Zentralsonnen?
Ptaah Ptaah
90. This question is actually superfluous, because the talposbacteria exist in their thousand fold diversity wherever heat exists. 90. Diese Frage ist eigentlich überflüssig, denn die Talposbakterien existieren in ihrer tausendfachen Vielfältigkeit überall dort, wo Hitze existiert.
91. They are different in form from the common bacteria and are absolutely insensitive to antibiotics, as is not the case with the heat-intolerant bacteria. 91. Sie sind in ihrer Form verschieden zu den herkömmlichen Bakterien und absolut unempfindlich gegen Antibiotika, wie dies bei den hitzeunbeständigen Bakterien nicht der Fall ist.
92. Earth scientists only know very little about the thousands of kinds of talposbacteria, whereby they would name the remainder of these archeobacteria, from which presently about 20 may be known, which corresponds to an extremely small number if one considers that these bacteria, in their kinds, go in their thousands, and they exercise various functions. 92. Von den tausendfältigen Arten der Talposbakterien sind bei den irdischen Wissenschaftlern erst wenige bekannt, wobei sie übrigens von diesen Archaebakterien genannt werden, von denen gegenwärtig etwa 20 bekannt sein dürften, was einer äusserst geringen Zahl entspricht, wenn man bedenkt, dass diese Bakterien in ihren Arten in die Tausende gehen und die verschiedensten Funktionen ausüben.


Ptaah continues to explain that the thousand fold Talposbacteria exist anywhere there is heat and also are insensitive to antibiotics. Earth scientist, from the information here, know very little about the thousand kinds of Talposbacteria. Only about 20 kinds is known.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 256" dated May 13th, 1996, 2:05 PM

Billy Billy
I know; one form makes, for example, methane gas, whereby it takes carbon dioxide and hydrogen as nourishment and transforms it. Ich weiss; die einen bilden z.B. Methangas, wobei sie Kohlendioxid und Wasserstoff als Nahrung aufnehmen und umwandeln.
Others nourish themselves from salts, from sulfurous gasses, from different kinds of gasses carrying radioactivity, as well as from acidic gasses, etc., whereby they always transform these substances into other forms, whereby a greater part of life would be guaranteed. Andere ernähren sich von Salzsubstanzen, von Schwefelgasen, von radioaktiv geschwängerten Gasen verschiedenster Art sowie von Säuregasen usw., wobei sie diese Stoffe immer in andere Formen umwandeln, wodurch ein grosser Teil des lebens gewährleistet wird.
As in the realm of common bacteria, the talposbacteria, respectively the archeobactria, also work in the manner of constant conversion of material, the change and alteration, through which the one disintegrates and would be converted into something new. Wie im herkömmlichen Bakterienbereich arbeiten auch die Talpos- resp. Archaebakterien in einer Form der stetigen Materieumwandlung, dem Wandel und der Veränderung, wodurch das eine zersetzt und zu etwas Neuem umgewandelt wird.
But how far are the Earth scientists in these cognitions? Wie weit aber sind die irdischen Wissenschaftler in diesen Erkenntnissen?
Ptaah Ptaah
93. They stand yet seemingly at the start of their efforts and research and yet have no idea about how far-reaching the talposbacteria are in their functions, and how multifaceted in their number. 93. Sie stehen noch ziemlich am Anfang ihrer Bemühungen und Forschungen und haben noch keine Ahnung davon, wie weitgreifend die Funktionen und wie vielfältig in ihrer Zahl die Talposbakterien sind.


From Billy's own wisdom and knowledge he adds to Ptaah's explanation that these Talposbacteria transform one element into another. One form takes in carbon dioxide and hydrogen as food so to speak and then transforms it into methane gas. Other forms eat as food salts, gasses and radioactive gasses and then transform them into other elements which then aid other life. So we can understand that these Talposbacteria play a big and enormous role in the material development of life through out the Universe. Creating much needed elements that other life needs to exist and eating other forms of elements.


Excerpt from "The Free Dictionary"

Noun 1. archeobacteria - considered ancient life forms that evolved separately from bacteria and blue-green algae
archaebacteria, archaebacterium, archaeobacteria moneran, moneron - organisms that typically reproduce by asexual budding or fission and whose nutritional mode is absorption or photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
division Archaebacteria - in some classifications considered a kingdom
methanogen - archaebacteria found in anaerobic environments such as animal intestinal tracts or sediments or sewage and capable of producing methane; a source of natural gas
halophil, halophile - archaebacteria requiring a salt-rich environment for growth and survival
thermoacidophile - archaebacteria that thrive in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures

Full article can be found HERE


From a online Dictionary we see an entry for Archeobacteria. As was explained by Ptaah in the above Contact with Billy our Earth scientist call Talposbacteria Archeobacteria. I have left the links active on this excerpt for you to look into more information on what we know about Talposbacteria/Archeobacteria.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 219" dated June 16th, 1987, 1:30 a.m.

Billy Billy
... Yet tell me, as I made the deep sea tour with you, I saw life forms right down to the deepest depths which will certainly remain invisible and inexplicable for a long time to come for our deep-sea researchers and scientists, as is also the case for many of the giant animals which live in the seas' higher and middle depths, as, for example, the gigantic snake fish, which look like gigantic eels, which grow up to 15 metres long, as you said, then, the likewise gigantic sharks, which also grow up to 14 metres long and have such a large mouth, that one could think that it constitutes a third of the fish. ... Doch sag mal, als ich mit dir die Tiefsee-Tour machte, da habe ich bis in die tiefsten Tiefen Lebensformen gesehen, die bestimmt für unsere Tiefsee-Forscher und Wissenschaftler noch lange unsichtbar und unerklärbar bleiben werden, wie dies auch der Fall sein wird für viele der Riesentiere, die in höheren und mittleren Meeres Tiefen leben, wie z.B. die riesigen Schlangenfische, die wie riesige Aale aussehen, die bis zu 15 Meter lang werden, wie du sagtest, dann die ebenfalls riesigen Haie, die auch bis an die 14 Meter gross werden und ein derart grosses Maul haben, dass man meinen könnte, ein Drittel des Fisches bestehe daraus.
But then there was still also the gigantic creature which you called a deep sea eel and that had a kind of tentacle-mane, and that, when it is full grown, and as you also explained, it can grow to 18 to 22 metres long. Dann war da aber auch noch das riesenhafte Vieh, das du Tiefsee-Aal nanntest und das eine Art Tentakel-Mähne hatte und das, wenn es ausgewachsen ist und wie du auch erklärt hast, 18 bis 22 Meter gross werden kann.
I was also impressed by the gigantic jellyfish whose catching-arms, respectively, tentacles, were, according to your explanation, around 45 metres long. Beeindruckt war ich auch von der Gigant-Qualle, deren Fangarme resp. Tentakel deiner Erklärung gemäss rund 45 Meter lang waren.
Also the likewise monstrous predatory sharks, which you described as bloodthirsty and rapacious creatures, were enormous to behold. Auch die ebenfalls monströsen Raubhaie waren gewaltig anzusehen, die du als beutegierige und raubgierige Kreaturen bezeichnet hast.
And when I think that these fish, according to your data, were 10,12 and 14 metres long, then one could learn fear if one were to meet these beasts under circumstances which were unprotected and different from the way we were protected in your ship. Und wenn ich daran denke, dass diese Fische deinen Angaben gemäss 10,12, und 14 Meter gross waren, dann könnte man das Fürchten lernen, wenn man diesen Biestern unter anderen und ungeschützten Umständen begegnen würde, als eben derart, wie wir geschützt in deinem Schiff waren.

English translation of "Contact Report 219" can be found HERE


Here in Contact 219 Billy is talking to Quetzal about a trip he took in a Plejaren Craft. They went into Earth's Oceans/Seas. Here we read that there are many un discovered life forms in our Oceans/Seas that we have yet to discover. These include a giant Snake Fish which grow up to 15 meters long, gigantic Sharks which grow up to 14 meters long and have a mouth 1/3 of its body, Deep Sea Eel which grow up to 18 to 22 meters long, gigantic Jelly Fish which have Tentacles 45 meters long and Predatory Sharks which grow 10 to 14 meters long and are bloodthirsty creatures. From this first excerpt we read that we still have much to learn about our Oceans/Seas.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 219" dated June 16th, 1987, 1:30 a.m.

I also had no knowledge that there are, however, deep sea squid - several of which you let me see and observe - which have long catching arms as fine as filigree, as I likewise also knew nothing of the existence of all the other deep sea creatures, respectively, deep sea forms of life. Dass es aber TiefseeTintenfische gibt, die lange und filigranfeine Fangarme haben, deren du mich auch mehrere hast sehen und beobachten lassen, davon wusste ich auch nichts, wie eben auch nicht von der Existenz all der anderen Tiefsee-Wesen resp. Tiefsee-Lebensformen.
And I have written down the names here which you told me in regard to those beasts which made a strange impression on me and of which you explained that it dealt precisely with a distant ancestral form of the "Carcharodon-megalodon", as you have dictated its name to me. Und hier habe ich den Namen aufgeschrieben, den du mir gesagt hast in bezug jenes Viehs, das auf mich einen seltsamen Eindruck machte und zu dem du erklärtest, dass es sich um eine ferne Nachfahrenform eben des <carcharodon-megalodon> handle, wie du mir dessen Namen diktiert hast.
Still more could indeed be said about what was experienced and seen, yet I really want to ask you a question, namely: how many deep-sea living things of every kind and size are there which remain as yet undiscovered, if one can grasp that with a number at all? Es könnte ja noch mehr gesagt werden über das Erlebte und Gesehene, doch will ich dich ja mit einer Frage angehen, nämlich mit wie vielen Tiefsee-Lebewesen jeder Art und Grösse man noch rechnen kann, die bisher unentdeckt geblieben sind, wenn man das überhaupt in eine Zahl fassen kann?


Billy continues to tell Quetzal that there is also deep sea Squid which have long filigree arms and also a distant ancestral creature of Carcharodon-megalodon.


Excerpt from Discovery Channel Website "Prehistoric Sharks, From Stethacanthusto Megaladon, Ruled Ancient Oceans"

Megaladon-- the Mega-Shark
No overview of prehistoric sharks would be complete without Megaladon, believed to have been the largest shark that ever existed. It still holds the record for being the largest known carnivorous fish. On the far left end of its proposed size spectrum, some scientists believe it exceeded 82 feet in length. More conservative theorists stick to around 43 feet. Newer estimates, based on jaw perimeter and tooth size, place it at 60 feet with a body mass of 50 short tons.
Megaladon resembled modern great white sharks, but it was twice as long and carried around 20 times more weight. Its teeth were also three times the size of those found in a great white's mouth. This predator knew how to use them, too. Paleontologists theorize that it hunted like a great white, only with even more aggression. It likely bit directly into a victim's bone with maximum force and then encircled the injured prey, waiting for it to grow weaker and weaker, before making the final kill.

Full Article can be found HERE

The Discovery Channel Website mentions megalodon and writes that megalodon is believed to have been over 82 feet in length or 43 feet in length. Newer estimates say 60 feet with a body mass of 50 tons. This was a gigantic shark and also we read here that its teeth were three times as big as modern Great White Sharks. Truly a fearsome Shark and as Billy has said in the above "Contact Report 219" that there exists today creatures in our Oceans/Seas that are direct decedents of Carcharodon-megalodon.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 219" dated June 16th, 1987, 1:30 a.m.

Quetzal Quetzal
96. That is also unknown to us, yet we estimate that in the deep sea of the terrestrial oceans there still exist some 12,000,000 undiscovered types and kinds of living creatures, whereby the number of the individual kinds, each according to its size, indeed goes into umpteen thousands, hundreds of thousands or into millions with the biggest and big living creatures; and with the small, into umpteen millions, billions, trillions, and quadrillions; to the innumerable with the smallest and tiniest forms of life. 96. Das ist auch uns unbekannt, doch schätzen wir, dass in der Tiefsee der irdischen Meere noch etwa 12 Millionen unentdeckte Gattungen und Arten von Lebewesen existieren, wobei die Anzahl der einzelnen Arten je nach deren Grösse wohl in Zigtausende, Hunderttausende oder in die Millionen bei grössten und grossen Lebewesen gehen, und bei kleinen in Zigmillionen, Milliarden, Billionen, Billiarden bis zur Unzählbarkeit bei kleinsten und winzigsten Lebensformen.
Billy Billy
With the innumerable forms of life, that probably deals with micro-organisms and so forth, or? Bei den unzählbaren Lebensformen handelt es sich wohl um Mikroorganismen usw., oder?
And how big or tiny are they then, in relation to the tip of a fine hair, for instance? Und wie gross oder winzig sind die denn z.B. im Verhältnis zu einer feinen Haarspitze?
Quetzal Quetzal
97. Yes, I speak of micro-organisms. 97. Ja, ich spreche von Mikroorganismen.
98. However, in their size, these cannot be compared to the tip of a hair, because they are so tiny that, on such, room would be found for an amount of several billion specimens. 98. Diese stehen jedoch in ihrer Grösse in keinem Vergleich zu einer Haarspitze, denn sie sind derart winzig, dass sie auf einer solchen in der Zahl von mehreren Milliarden Exemplaren Platz fänden.


From the information here Quetzal says that there are 12,000,000 undiscovered types of living creatures in our Oceans/Seas each according to its size. Also some are tiny (micro organisms) that they would fit on a tip of a hair in their billions.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 230 Part 2 Translation" dated Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM

Billy Billy
We spoke once about the Ness Sea, therefore Loch Ness in Scotland, in connection with so-called Nessie, whereby it is supposed to deal with a saurian, for which, however, up until now, no proof of existence could be brought forth. Wir sprachen einmal über den See Ness, also Loch Ness in Schottland, im Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten Nessi, wobei es sich um einen Saurier handeln soll, wofür jedoch bis heute kein Existenz-Beweis erbracht werden konnte.
But you have said that such an animal does actually exist in Loch Ness and that all that, therefore, it is not about a fairy tale. Von dir wurde aber gesagt, dass ein solches Getier im Loch Ness tatsächlich existiere und dass es sich dabei also nicht um eine Mär handle.
I would like to see the beast. Das Viech möchte ich sehen.
Can you take me to it sometime? Kannst du mich mal hinbringen?
Quetzal Quetzal
109. Actually, two parent animals and a young do exist. 109. Tatsächlich existieren zwei Elterntiere und ein Jungtier.
110. It thereby deals with an aquatic predatory saurian, therefore about Plesiosaurus which have sustained themselves for many generations. 110. Es handelt sich dabei um im Wasser lebende Raubsaurier, also um Plesiosaurus, die sich über viele Generationen erhalten haben.
111. However, proving their existence will be very difficult, because the animals themselves only seldom make their way into the higher waters, or even to the waters' surface in such a way that they can be sighted. 111. Deren Existenz zu beweisen jedoch sehr schwer sein wird, weil sich die Tiere nur selten in höhere Gewässer begeben oder gar an die Wasser oberfläche in der Weise, dass sie gesichtet werden können.
112. We have observed these distant saurian descendents for many years and have, during the course of our research, also found petrified fossils of their distant predecessors, which we left where we found them where they will perhaps be found some day by terrestrial palaeontologists or other Earth humans. 112. Wir beobachten diese fernen Sauriernachfahren seit vielen Jahren und haben im Verlauf unserer Forschungen auch versteinerte Fossile deren fernster Vorfahren gefunden, die wir jedoch an den FundsteIlen beliessen, wo sie vielleicht dereinst von irdischen Paläontologen oder sonstigen Erdenmenschen gefunden werden.
113. Naturally I will take you there so you can see the animals, however you must not make that public for the next 12 years. 113. Natürlich werde ich dich hinbringen, damit du die Tiere sehen kannst, worüber du jedoch während den nächsten 12 Jahren gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit schweigen musst.

English translation of "Contact Report 230 Part 2 Translation" can be found HERE

Clearly here Quetzal explains that there is a Loch Ness monster as we would call it. 2 adults and 1 young. They are surviving Plesiosaurus (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) and Quetzal explains that they seldom come up to the surface so proving there existence is hard for Earth Humans.


Plesiosaur_cast_arp_small plesiosaurus
Fig. 1 Fossilized Plesiosaurus Skeleton - Click HERE for enlarged photo Fig. 2 Drawing of what Plesiosaurus does/may have looked like


Excerpt from website scotland-calling.com "Scotland Loch Ness Monster, the Scottish legend"

Sonar Sweeps in 1970
The American Academy of Applied Science, funded a search by Dr Robert Rines, using sonar and automatic cameras. In 1972 one of their cameras photographed, in the murk, what appeared to be a flipper about 6 feet long on just four frames of film.
Various sonar contacts followed, but it was not until 1975 that they got a vague, very blurred image of what might possibly have been the face.

Full article can be found HERE

From website scotland-calling.com "Scotland Loch Ness Monster, the Scottish legend" we have some writing about Dr Robert Rines who used sonar and automatic cameras in searching for the Loch Ness monster. In 1972 the cameras took a photo of what appears to be a 6 feet long Flipper (Fig. 3) and 1975 a photo of a Face and Body (Fig. 4)


nessierhomboid nessie1
Fig. 3 Flipper photo of a Plesiosaurus in Loch Ness Fig 4. Head, Neck and Body of a Plesiosaurus in Loch Ness


These 2 photos are the only verifiable images that are very hard if not impossible to fake or reproduce. They are the only underwater photos, which I can find, that picture a creature at Loch Ness. As Quetzal has said in the excerpt from "Contact Report 230 Part 2 Translation" that the 2 adult and 1 young Plesiosaurus seldom come up to shallow water which makes it hard for Earth Humans to prove there existence. Most photos of a creature in Loch Ness are take on the surface and may well be models or other animals in the Loch.


Gilgamesh" by Billy Meier

Gilgamesh belongs to a race of "shape changers" (Gestaltwandler, Morphogenese) and he is able to change the form and size of his body within several months. He adjusted his body - internally and externally - to his Earth "surroundings".
Gilgamesh, whose original lifespan was 120,000 years (but is now reduced to about 50,000 years), will live here for the rest of his life. He cannot go back to his people even if he had a beamship to fly to his native planet as it no longer exists since it was destroyed in a catastrophe. All of it's inhabitants have died. It had previously existed 20 million light years away from Earth in a spiral galaxy known as M94, NGC 4736.
Gilgamesh has previously turned down an offer from the Plejaren of transportation away from Earth.
He is probably currently working as a scientist on Earth where he has access to "heavy water" which he needs for sustainment of his material form.


Here is a explanation by Billy Meier about a Extraterrestrial living on Earth. Gilgamesh has a enormous life span. Possibly 50,000 years. He is living amongst us now on Earth. From the facts here we read that we have at least one non Earth life form living on Earth. Gilgamesh has the ability to change his Body form and is the only person on Earth who is able to do this. The Politicians of the Earth are not these types of life forms and are not "Shape Shifters" like some book writers and and public speakers claim.


Excerpt from "228th Contact" dated May 1st, 1989, 6:05PM

Ptaah and you as well as Semjase have said that our Milky Way has about 570,000,000,000 suns with planets, but that, in addition to that, there are only about 7,000,000 smaller and bigger solar systems with planets on which higher forms of life exist.
Are planetary satellites, respectively, moons also included therein?
97. Yes, because in certain solar systems with enormous central suns there are planetary giants with tremendous gravity which are too big to be able to bear higher forms of life, while their moons, however, are very much in a position to do that.
98. In your understanding, we do not, however, call these objects which bear life moons, rather planet-planets.
Quite so, because they are actually planets of a mother-planet - or?
99. That is of correctness.

English translation of "228th Contact" can be found HERE

In this excerpt from the "228th Contact" Billy and Quetzal are discussing life on other Planets. From the facts here there is 570,000,000,000 Suns with Planets orbiting them in our Milky Way (Galaxy) on which 7,000,000 of them have Planets which have higher forms of life existing on them. This number also includes Moons. Some Planets are to big to sustain higher forms of life and have Moons orbiting them which do sustain higher forms of life. The Plejaren call these planet-planets.


Excerpt from "228th Contact" dated May 1st, 1989, 6:05PM

And the 7,000,000 solar systems in our galaxy with planets, on which higher forms of life exist: does that collectively deal only with human civilizations?
100. No
101. The universe with all its galaxies is very thinly settled with human forms of life, whereby that also includes dimensions shifted in time and space, respectively, all existing space-time configurations.
102. Many planets and moons carry only very lowly microscopic organic life, or only forms of life like mammals, birds, fish, beetles and insects, and so forth, which have nothing to do with higher forms of life.
Then I have misunderstood some things, because I was of the view that you have always spoken in such a way that indicated that the forms of life were only humans.
103. Then you have succumbed to an error, if you have assumed that the approximately 7,000,000 solar systems with their planets only correlate to human civilizations.
104. Perhaps you have really ...
.. understood something wrongly.


He we realize that Billy us Human just like the rest of us and to can make a mistake. The 7,000,000
Planets in our Galaxy does not only just contain Human life.


Excerpt from "228th Contact" dated May 1st, 1989, 6:05PM

105. That is what I wanted to say.
106. Known to us, in this galaxy, are only 2,630,000 highly developed human civilizations, which actually belong together, whereby, from other galaxies known to us, a further 1,141,000,000 can be factored in.
107. We know of 1,040,000 civilizations which are developed to an essentially low level in this galaxy which you call the Milky Way.
108. Our scientists estimate that in the entire universe about 6,000,000,000,000 to 7,000,000,000,000 essentially human civilizations, of higher and lower form, would have to exist in your material space-time configuration.


Quetzal continues to say that known to the Plejaren there are only 2,630,000 highly developed human civilizations in our Galaxy but a further 1,141,000,000 are known from other Galaxies, This equates to 1,143,630,000 know Human civilizations by the Plejaren in the Universe. The Plejaren scientist estimate that the number of Human civilizations in the Universe in our time-space configuration is up to 7,000,000,000,000.


Excerpt from "35th Contact" dated 16 September 1975 19:14

The next inhabited system is around five light years away from Earth.
998. Different worlds in that system are inhabited by human forms of life, who differ little from your races.
999. In their development they are some years in advance of that of the Earth human beings, spiritually as well as technologically.
1001. They have already achieved space-flight in primitive form, and also do visit Earth.
1002. Because their cosmic flight capabilities are very lim­ited, they depend on assistance stations.
1003. Mid-way be­tween their world and Earth, they have constructed a space station, which you can see far outside in space there... (pointing to screen).
1004. They need such stations because they are still unable to launch their ships over large dis­tances.

English translation of "35th Contact" can be found HERE

From Ptaah the facts about the nearest inhabited system to us is about 5 light years away. They are advanced then us both spiritually and in technology and can travel in Space. They Visit Earth and have Space Stations because they have not yet mastered long distance Space travel.


Excerpt from "35th Contact" dated 16 September 1975 19:14

1005. Also, connected to their space-flight now, is severe body pain, from which they narcotize themselves for longer journeys in the cosmos.
1006. Besides the other races of these worlds, this one race comes often to Earth.
1007. This is because their homeworld, which is no greater than Earth herself, suffers from overcrowding, and needs huge quantities of food.
1008. For this reason, beings from that planet, called "Akart", come to Earth often to collect there plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish their 23 billion population.
1010. They are mostly satisfied with taking seeds of fruits, grains and vegetables, and also plant stocks, to set out on Akart to grow there.
1011. They collect more useable nourishments on other (less populated) worlds which they also visit often and periodically.
1012. In themselves, these forms are of rather peaceful character, and have had to suffer much in the last centuries.


From the facts here we understand that these Beings are not in anyway or form interested in either contacting Earth Humans or fighting with us. They too suffer from over population and support their population by visiting other Planets to collect seeds and Plant stocks to grow on there home planet Akart. Earth Humans are no where near Space travel and as we are facing an over population problem (see page "Overpopulation" under Earth) we cannot go to other Planets for food or either to live. We can also understand that we are not the only Planet in the Universe that has not yet managed to sustain and maturely except that we must have a Human birth program that limits Human breeding.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 236" dated April 26th, 1990, 12:03AM

Billy Billy
... Can you tell me, which is the oldest and which is the youngest people on the Earth, if one excludes from the Earthlings those who were created on the Earth? ... Kannst du mir sagen, welches das älteste und welches das jüngste Volk ist auf der Erde, wenn man von den Erdlingen selbst absieht, die ja auf der Erde kreiert wurden?
Ptaah Ptaah
191. The first three peoples who first came to Earth were simultaneously the red ones, the brown ones and the white ones. 191. Die ersten drei Völker, die zuerst zur Erde kamen, waren gleichzeitig die Roten, die Braunen und die Weissen.
192. But even, of these, only the ones of normal growth. 192. Von diesen aber auch nur die Normalwüchsigen.
193. That was about 22,000,000 years ago as the Destroyer had done its work of destruction in the Lyran home systems. 193. Dies war vor rund 22 Millionen Jahren, als der Zerstörer in den Lyranischen Heimatsystemen sein Zerstörungswerk getan hatte.
194. The ones of other colours only then came very much later to Earth, as well as colossi, giants, titans and the dwarfed, as well as naturally developed beings, as well as dwarves, among others, from which very much later, that is to say, only about 21,000 years ago, their late descendents settled on the shores of the Sanura Lakes and lived there until the embankment broke in the western part of the lake and everything was washed away. 194. Erst sehr viel später kamen dann noch Andersfarbige sowie Riesen, Giganten, Titanen und Zwergwüchsige sowie Naturwesen zur Erde, unter anderem auch Zwerge, wovon sich sehr viel später, nämlich erst vor etwa 21 000 Jahren, späte Nachkommen an den Gestaden des SANURA-SEES ansiedelten und dort lebten, bis im Westen des Sees der Damm riss und alles wegschwemmte.
195. The shore upon which the approximately 40cm [16"] tall dwarf beings lived was located, at that time, exactly there where the Semjase Silver Star Center stands today. 195. Die Gestade, an denen die etwa 40 cm grossen Zwergwesen wohnten, befanden sich damals genau da, wo heute das Center steht.

English translation of "Contact Report 236" can be found HERE

Ok, here we read information about the different types of Human Beings on Earth. The red, brown and white skinned Humans. They came here 22,000,000 years ago. Ptaah explains about Giants, Titans and Dwarf Beings here to. The Dwarf Beings was about 40 cm tall but all died from a land slide.


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Fig. 5 Giant Human Skeleton remains in Saudi Arabia Fig. 6 Giant Human Skeleton
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Fig. 7 Giant Human Skeleton Fig. 8 Giant Human Skeleton


The above photos (Fig 5 to 8) are recent findings of Giant Human Skeletons which have been found during excavations. Fig. 6 and Fig.7 are the same Skeleton taken from different angles. We have photo proof that such Giants did live on Earth and from Ptaah's information these Giants came from other Planets and was not natural Humans of Earth.


Excerpt from "Contact Report 236" dated April 26th, 1990, 12:03AM

196. The differently colored ones who subsequently came to Earth were exclusively very strongly dark-skinned and established themselves in that land which today is the continent of Africa, from where they then spread out further, some to Australia and New Zealand and others to various other locations. 196. Die Andersfarbigen, die nachträglich zur Erde kamen, waren ausschliesslich sehr stark dunkelhäutig und setzten sich auf jenem Land fest, das heute als Kontinent Afrika gilt, von wo aus sie sich dann weiterverbreiteten, einige nach Australien und Neuseeland und andere an verschiedene andere Orte.
197. The yellow peoples - the Chinese and the Japanese - are the youngest inhabitants of the Earth, because their appearance on this planet was only a little more than one cosmic age ago, and indeed seemingly exactly 25,978 years ago. 197. Die gelben Völker der Chinesen und Japaner, die sind auf der Erde die jüngsten Bewohner, denn ihr Erscheinen auf diesem Planeten war erst vor etwas mehr als einem kosmischen Zeitalter, und zwar ziemlich genau vor 25 978 Jahren.
198. They came here from the planet Nissan in the neighborhood of Lasan in the Lyra system. 198. Sie kamen her vom Planeten NISSAN in der Nachbarschaft von LASAN in den Lyra-Systemen.
199. But before that - and this was only discovered in recent years - they lived on the other side of the Sun on a planet with the name Kudra, in a solar system that was named the Nisan system. 199. Zuvor aber, das wurde erst die letzten Jahre ergründet, lebten sie jenseits der Sonne auf einem Planeten mit dem Namen KUDRA, in einem Sonnensystem, das als NISAN-System bezeichnet wurde.
200. They came to the Lyra system and to Nisan 2,400,000 years ago, because they had to emigrate as a consequence of overpopulation. 200. Sie kamen vor 2,4 Millionen Jahren in die Lyrasysteme und nach Nisan, weil sie infolge Überbevölkerung emigrieren mussten.
201. And they found the way to our original home planet by means of an old Lyran great expedition flotilla, which journeyed to the other side of the Sun and to the planet Kudra in the Nisan System, and there again encountered the yellow peoples. 201. Und den Weg zu unseren Urheimatplaneten fanden sie durch eine altlyranische Grossexpeditionsflotte, die jenseits der Sonne expeditionierte und im Nisan-System auf den Planeten Kudra und dort wiederum auf die gelben Völker stiess.


Ptaah continues, the dark skinned Humans established them selves in Africa and then spread out to Australia and New Zealand as well as other places on Earth. We can still see evidence of this if we look at the native peoples of Africa and Australia. Africa is mainly populated with dark (Brown) skinned Humans and Australia there are the Aborigines. The yellow skinned Humans, Chinese and Japanese, came to Earth only 25,978 (dated from 1990) and came from a Planet named Nissan. The yellow skinned Humans are the youngest inhabitants of Earth.


In Conclusion

From the facts and information I have looked at here we can see that there is a variety of many billions of different life forms in our Universe. From very tiny microbial life forms to Giant Sharks and indeed giant Humans. Humans on Earth truly do not have any knowledge of all these different live forms and have much to discover and learn from them. The facts in the Billy Meier case speak of descendents of Plesiosaurus living in Loch Ness and Earth Humans have photo evidence of this. In our Oceans/Seas there is many different life forms yet undiscovered by Earth Humans, These life forms range in size and form.

There is much more information in the Billy Meier case on other life forms and life forms that have visited Earth. Some of the information is very long and intensive so in this case I have not looked into them fully on this website. The following links are for your own reading and investigations and more will be added as they are found.

Contact Report 251

Human Being

Plejaren Federation