Plejaren Population Figures


Document emailed from Christain Frehner - Figu Core Group Member - dated 2nd January 2011

The Catastrophe takes its unimpeded course! Die Katastrophe nimmt ungehindert ihren Lauf!
On New Year's Day 2011, we received from the Plejaren (Ptaah and Quetzal) the actual population number by December 31, 2010 (midnight): 8'102'716'701 human beings! Am Neujahrstag 2011 haben wir von den Plejaren (Ptaah und Quetzal) den aktuellen Bevölkerungsstand per 31.12.2010 (Mitternacht) mitgeteilt erhalten: 8'102'716'701 Menschen!
When compared with the 7'684'489'285 human beings on December 11, 2007, this means an increase of 375'325 human beings per day, respectively 4.34 human beings per second! Verglichen mit den 7'684'489'285 Menschen am 11.12.2007 bedeutet dies eine Zunahme von 375'325 Menschen pro Tag bzw. 4,34 Menschen pro Sekunde!
When compared with the 7'503'846'002 human beings on December 31, 2005 (midnight), there results an increase of 328'148 human beings per day, respectively 3.8 human beings per second. Verglichen mit den 7'503'846'002 Menschen am 31.12.2005 (Mitternacht) beträgt die Zunahme 328'148 Menschen pro Tag bzw. 3,8 pro Sekunde.
This means that the increase rate has accelerated! Die Zunahmegeschwindigkeit hat sich also beschleunigt!
Human insanity, and the height of irresponsibility! –  Especially in light of the fact that the terrestrial bureaus of census and demography statistics are estimating the number of the actual human population on Earth more than one billion/milliard too low! Menschlicher Wahnsinn und Gipfel der Verantwortungslosigkeit! Insbesondere wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass die irdischen Demographen/Statistiker die Bevölkerungszahl um mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen zu tief einschätzen!
And what is done against this catastrophe by those in charge, the responsible persons in governments and the heads of religions and sects? NOTHING AT ALL!!! Und was tun die zuständigen und verantwortlichen Personen in den Regierungen und die Chefs der Religionen und Sekten dagegen? NICHTS!!!
Christian Frehner
(January 2, 2011)
Christian Frehner
(2. Januar 2011)

Document can be download HERE. Please distribute world wide

From the Plejaren a new count of the actual number of human beings alive on Earth at midnight on 31st December 2010. We can see that when the count was made the actual number of human beings has now increased to 8'102'716'701 (8.1 Billion).  Despite all efforts by persons world wide, who mostly do not stand in any political or religious standings, nothing is being done to stop the insane, irresponsible, destructive rising population. Truly the persons in positions of power who have the responsibility and obligation for the well being of their respective countries and populations do nothing in regard to telling the truth about overpopulation and bringing in laws to halt and reduce population numbers in a humane and responsible manner.  Instead the overpopulation issue is suppressed, brushed under the carpet and becomes a taboo to even speak about.  All efforts to reduce CO2 levels, climate change, pollution, environment destruction, food and water shortages, unemployment, collapse of economies, destruction of rain forests and so on are in vain as the root of all problems is overpopulation. As human numbers continue to rise so does the aforementioned problems.

The following is a quetion I asked Eduard in November 2009.


From the Figu forum "Your Questions to Billy Meier--Answered"

Hello Eduard
Hope all is good for you.
Just a quick question - Do you or the Plejaren know the exact figure of human beings on planet Earth and when was this figure calculated, if possible?
Thanks Eduard
Kind regards
(Eduard's Answer)
Yes, they know, and they know when this figure is calculated.
However, when they know the result they also know that the number has changed in the meantime because each second the population number changes.
To give you some additional information: Each human being's consciousness emanates a certain vibration which is different to any other human being within the universe. With their very sophisticated devices the P's are able/capable to count each and every vibration/frequency on Earth. And since they have divided the Earth into a grid pattern they are able to detect any human being's location if they have stored his vibration frequency. And from this results that if a vibration frequency ceases to exist they know that a human being has died.
In order to count the human beings on planet Earth at any given moment they just have to scan the grid and count the human vibrations.

Figu forum can be found HERE - Your Questions to Billy Meier--Answered post can be found HERE

Eduard's answer speaks for itself.  The Plejaren have technologies which are far advanced then our own.  With their technology they are able to scan the Earth for human vibrations/frequencies and count them.  This gives them an accurate number of human beings at the time of the scan.

Accourding to the CIA World Facebook, found HERE, the estimated  population figure from the CIA for 2010 6,768,181,146 (July 2010 est.), (6.7 Billion).  When compared to the population figure given to us be the Plejaren there is a short fall of 1,334,535,555 (1.3 billion). It is impossible that the human population has risen by 1.3 billion since July 2010 to December 2010. 

So what could account for the short fall in numbers from Earth sources?

If we look at 2005 population figures compared to 2007 population figures.

CIA World Factbook 2005 -6,446,131,400
FIGU (Plejaren) 2005 - 7,503,846,002  

CIA World Factbook 2007 -6,602,224,175 - additional humans = 156,092,775
FIGU (Plejaren) 2007 - 7,684,227,416 - additional humans = 180,381,414  

From the figures above we can clearly see a difference in additional humans of 24,288,639 (24.2 million) human beings between the Plejaren figures and CIA figures. Total population difference between Plejaren figures and the CIA is 1,082,003,241 (1 billion).   

Then if we go back to 1990:  

CIA World Factbook 1990 -5,316,644,000
FIGU (Plejaren) 1990 - 5,367,887,093

Here in 1990 the figures from the Plejaren and the CIA are almost identical with a 51,243,093 (51.2 million) difference.  This compared to the most recent figures of 2010 there is a 1,334,535,555 (1.3 billion) difference.   

To summerize :  

1990 - 51,243,093 difference
2007 - 1,082,003,241 difference
2010 - 1,334,535,555 difference

The increasing shortfall in population figures by the CIA raises many questions, considering that in 1990 there was a considerably low shortfall in population figures compared to 2010. Some of these questions is how is it possible to have over a billion human beings not accounted for 20 years after a population count which was almost accurate? Has our technology degenerated? Is there a falsification happening? Are all countries taking part in a population census? How many human beings are not registered at birth?

Earth Human Population Figures

Every year new population figures are published for countries and a total population figure for the earth. These figures are taken as a trustworthy source of population numbers. But are the numbers accurate enough or are the sources for the population figures accurate and up to date. In 2010 the CIA published new population figures in their CIA World Factbook and concluded that the estimated total population number in July is 6,768,181,146. The important issue to remember with this figure is that it is an estimate and not a true figure. It is impossible to have a true population figure due to the fact that every second the population number changes, which is mostly a rise in numbers. Thus when a census is taken or population data is combined the number of counted human beings within the figures has changed.

From the CIA World Factbook it is stated in the following:

"Population: This entry gives an estimate from the US Bureau of the Census based on statistics from population censuses, vital statistics registration systems, or sample surveys pertaining to the recent past and on assumptions about future trends. The total population presents one overall measure of the potential impact of the country on the world and within its region."

We can clearly see that the total estimated population figure given is in fact a combined figure from various sources, which includes population censuses, registration systems, sample surveys and assumptions. Therefore a true population figure at any given time is impossible to calculate, due to the huge gap for errors when taking data from various sources and even more so when making assumptions. Another problem is that all these different censuses were made at different times. This gives us for every year in a chronological timeline wrong data points, whether underestimated or overestimated, of the global population. Scientifically to make assumptions on any given resulting figure is not only unscientific but also erroneous as a truthful result can never be found. The wrong result is also due to different methods from different sources of attaining population statistics. For example one country uses a registration system while another country uses a census system. Other countries use for example the polling/electoral role system, which counts the number of humans registered to vote. This however does not include those humans who are under age for voting, thus these figures are not included into the population figures. Seen from a scientific point of view, many methodological mistakes have been made and cumulated, to calculate the global population.

There exist countries that have no control over their respective population known figures. For example 3rd world countries which have a corrupt government and political system, poverty and so on. In these countries, as well as all countries, the population is continuing to rise whereby the new born humans are not registered or recorded on any census, registration system or survey. In 3rd world countries there can only be an assumption on a population figure based on past historical statistics and surveys. In industrialised countries on the contrary the exponential rate of population growth is decreasing, however the absolute number of people on the planet is dramatically increasing. (Valentine S., 2010).

As already mentioned above, another controlling factor to the given total population figure is at what time the censuses, registration systems, electoral roles, and surveys are taken and updated. To get a clearer more accurate population figure would take every country to produce figures at the same time. This is due to the already mentioned continuing change in population figures. Also every country would have to use the same method of counting their respective populations. This said, is still open to errors as there will be countries that do not register or count all the humans within their borders.

From the United Nations Statistics Division - 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme shows a list of countries and when censuses for each country has or is expected to take place. Looking at this data we can clearly see how big the gap for errors on the estimated population figure truly is. For example, starting at the top of the list is Algeria which last took a census between 16th and 30th of April 2008. The figure from this census is by no means accurate for a 2010 population figure. Humans have died and been born since which is not uniform to each other. Therefore an assumption on the population figure for Algeria would possibly have to be made for 2010. The next country on the list is Angola. Angola, according to the United Nations Statistics Division, has never taken part in a census. This means that no known estimated population figures exist. The gap for errors to even consider assumptions for the number of human beings in Angola during 2010 is incomprehensible. However the CIA World Factbook published in 2010 that the estimated population figure for Angola is 13,068,161.

When taking figures from different years and also making assumptions on estimated figures is neither logical, nor scientific. The resulting figures from this process could be hugely inaccurate from 1 up to 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) and more.  

Staying with the United Nations Statistics Division the following can be observed:

  • 2008 - 11 countries took part in a census
  • 2009 - 15 countries took part in a census
  • 2010 - 46 countries took part in a census

There are over 200 countries on earth. It is impossible to calculated a total human population figure just by around 25% country census. Whereby other sources of data for population figures are added as well as assumptions from past censuses and in some cases no past population figures are known.

As the total population of human beings on earth continues to rise without the appropriate methods and sources for calculating each countries respective populations, which will give a total human population figure at any given time, the total human population figure should not be taken as is, respectively as the truthful number.


Conflicting Data

The scope for errors in population figures can clearly be seen in the following examples of officially released figures and from different official population counts.

Angola: From the United Nations Population Fund Policy Developments and Indicators 2009/2010 publication the published population figures stated for Angola in 2009 was 18,497,000 with a population growth rate of 2.6%

From the CIA World Factbook the published population figures stated for Angola in 2011 are estimated to be 13,338,541 with a population growth rate of 2%

The obvious inaccuracy from these two official sources is clear. It is impossible to have a population decrease while at the same time having a population growth rate. The actual population growth rate, if the population figures from the two official sources were correct, would be -1.39%. Thus there would be no growth in population and this would only happen if there were no births at all within 2 years in Angola, which is not the case, or the total amounts of deaths are higher than the total amounts of births.

India: From the United Nations Statistics Division - 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme India took part in a population census between the 9th and 28th February 2011.

From this census the Government of India have published their population figures which are 1,210,190,000. The last population census undertaken by the Indian Government was in 2001 where a population figure of 1,028,740,000 was published.

From the United Nations Population Fund Policy Developments and Indicators 2009/2010 publication the published population figures stated for India in 2009 was 1,198,004,000 with a population growth rate of 1.4%.

From the CIA World Factbook the published population figures stated for India in 2011 are estimated to be 1,189,172,906 with a population growth rate of 1.34%

If we calculate 1.4% growth rate on the figure 1,198,004,000 then the population figure given is 1,214,776,056 and this would be for 2010.

The inaccuracies here are:

2011 Indian Government census population figure 1,210,190,000

2011 CIA World Factbook population figure 1,189,172,906

2009 - 2010 1.4% growth rate population figure 1,214,776,056 (Higher than the latest census figure).

2009 United Nations Population Fund population figure 1,198,004,000

Republic of Mauritius: From the Republic of Mauritius Central Statistics Office, Population and Vital Statistics Republic of Mauritius, Year 2010 publication the published estimated population of Mauritius was 1,283,415 at 31 December 2010 with a population growth rate of 0.4%.

From the United Nations Population Fund Policy Developments and Indicators 2009/2010 publication the published population figures stated for Mauritius in 2009 was 1,288,000 with a population growth rate of 0.6%.This population figure is higher than the population figure given by the Republic of Mauritius Central Statistics Office in 2010. If these figures are correct then it would mean that a population decrease has come about and that the published growth rate figures are incorrect.

From the CIA World Factbook the published population figures stated for India in 2011 are estimated to be 1,303,717 with a population growth rate of 0.73%.

If we calculated both the Republic of Mauritius Central Statistics Office figures and the United Nations Population Fund Policy Developments and Indicators 2009/2010 figures we get the following two results.

1,283,415 (2010) + 0.4% = 1,278,281 (2011)

1,288,000 (2009) + 0.6% = 1,295,728 (2010)

Both the 2010 figures are not equal with a 12,313 difference. The 2011 figure is lower than the 1,303,717 figure given by the CIA World Facebook.


Consequences and Conclusion

If we consider all that was discussed above, it is easy to come to the conclusion that this miscalculation is the basis for a huge mismanagement in economy, industry and social activities. Because of the wrong population figures, the resources and energy consumption cannot be managed properly because the "demand" never fits into the yearly calculations and to the available stock in resources. Also the agriculture has no good numbers on which it could orient itself concerning the true demand in wheat, corn etc.... Also this wrong numbers inhibit the good planning of garbage dumps and landfills, as well as the planning of enough sewage plants. Because of speculations and overestimations many space and money gets wasted for building houses, apartments and other facilities that will never be used. On the other side if an underestimation occurs, not enough houses, apartments and other facilities are building. In any case the economy suffers from it, because no accurate budgets of expenses and incoming taxes can be made, which leads often to new depts

Many problems arise because of this inaccurate and unscientific approach to count the world population. It is crucial and necessary to improve this and to get accurate numbers.

- Earth Human Population Figures Written by Stephen Moore

- Earth Human Population Figures Further Editting by Neckel



CIA World Factbook -

United Nations Statistics Division-

Valentine Scott (2010): Disarming the overpopulation bomb, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 17, 2:120-132.

United Nations Population Fund Policy Developments and Indicators 2009/2010 -

Government of India, Size, Growth Rate and Distribution of Population -

Republic of Mauritius Central Statistics Office, Population and Vital Statistics Republic of Mauritius, Year 2010 -