It is a known fact by Earth people that Earthquakes are mainly caused by the movement and shifting of the Earths solid plates or continents. This is known. Here is a look into the facts from Billy Meier and the Plejaren to see what is said about Earthquakes. This page will be in the following sub sections:

Atom Bomb Testing
Oil and Gas Extraction, Mining




Excerpt from FIGU-Special-Bulletin No. 16, January 2005 "Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (July 5th, 1951)"

25. The monstrous mass and weight of the cities and villages continuously stress the inner structures of the Earth more and more through which the tectonic plates will be adversely affected, inevitably leading to increasing tectonic displacements and faults, through which immense tremors will be evoked world-wide, whereby finally the deaths will go into the hundreds of thousands and into the millions. 25. Die ungeheuren Massen und Gewichte der Städte und Dörfer drangsalieren die inneren Strukturen der Erde laufend immer mehr, wodurch die Tektonik beeinträchtigt wird, was zwangsläufig vermehrt zu tektonischen Verschiebungen und Verwerfungen führt, durch die weltweit ungeheure Beben hervorgerufen werden, wobei dann die Toten letztlich in die Hunderttausende und in die Millionen gehen werden.
26. And these tremors also have influences on the Earth's entire volcanic activity, consequently, also the volcanos that are multiply connected together world-wide that will become ever more frequently and more destructively active. 26. Und diese Beben haben auch Einflüsse auf den gesamten irdischen Vulkanismus, folglich auch die Vulkane, die weltweit vielfach miteinander verbunden sind, immer häufiger und immer zerstörerischer in Tätigkeit treten.
27. That will also demand many human lives, indeed, especially in those areas where unreasonably, habitations are built too closely to volcanoes, as is also the case with beaches by oceans, by great rivers and seas, where the immediate shorelines are built up, which, through storm waves and tsunamis, will be flooded in violent measure and will demand very many human lives. 27. Auch das wird viele Menschenleben fordern, und zwar besonders in jenen Gegenden, wo unvernünftigerweise zu nahe an den Vulkanen Wohnstätten gebaut werden, wie das auch der Fall ist an Stränden von Meeren, an grossen Flüssen und Seen, wo unmittelbar an die Ufer gebaut wird, die durch Sturmwellen und Flutwellen in gewaltigem Masse überschwemmt und sehr viele Menschenleben fordern werden

English translation of FIGU-Special-Bulletin No. 16, January 2005 can be found HERE

Ok, here we have Billy talking about the mass weight of Cities and Villages. Billy's explanation speaks for itself. From my own understanding the mass weight of Cities and Villages stresses the inner structures of Earth more and more. This stress increases the movement or displacement of the tectonic plates. Thus causing more Earthquakes. Also new fault lines appear as the tectonic plates crack under the weight. Volcanoes are also multiply connected together and the movement of the tectonic plates also influences volcanic activity. Therefore the more weight on the tectonic plates the move stressed they become which intern increases the amount of Earthquake and volcanic activity and also increases the force of these events.

Billy also explains that the Human settlements which are to close to Volcanoes and shorelines of Oceans, Seas and Rivers will be destroyed. This is really common sense. If a Earthquake happens or Volcano Erupts under water in a Ocean or Sea then a Tsunami could develop and destroy Human settlements alone shorelines and in some cases inland.

As the Human overpopulation increases, due to no counter measure being put in place to stop the overpopulation of Earth, the more Cites and Villages are and will be developed and increase in size and weight. This adds to the stress imposed on the tectonic plates more and more. Thus more and more frequent and powerful Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions Happen and take many thousands and millions of Human lives. Which is what Billy and the Plejaren have prophesized regarding more Earthquake and volcanic activity due to overpopulation of Earth by Humans


Excerpt from "Contact 371" dated January 7th, 2005

Ptaah Ptaah
Actually, concerning this, there will be a very gloomy future, because the Earth rebels more and more as a result of which destruction comes about in apocalyptic measure. Tatsächlich gibt es diesbezüglich eine sehr düstere Zukunft, denn die Erde bäumt sich immer mehr auf, woraus apokalyptische Ausmasse der Zerstörung entstehen.
Sea quakes constantly increase worldwide and increasingly endanger the seacoasts and their near hinterland through enormous tidal waves. Seebeben nehmen weltweit stetig zu und gefährden immer mehr durch gewaltige Flutwellen die Küsten der Meere sowie deren näheres Hinterland.
Also the bank areas of big seas, lakes and rivers are thereby endangered. Auch die Ufergebiete grosser Seen und Flüsse sind dabei gefährdet.
Also, generally land quakes, respectively earthquakes, will increase and cause unimaginable damage, as also volcanic eruptions will increasingly rage and certain volcanoes will, in part, fully explode, while world-wide monstrous storms of every kind increasingly take the upper hand. Allgemein nehmen auch die Landbeben resp. die Erdbeben zu und richten unvorstellbare Schäden an, wie aber auch Vulkan-Eruptionen immer mehr wüten werden und gewisse Vulkane teilweise gar explodieren, während weltweit ungeheure Unwetter aller Art immer mehr überhandnehmen.

English translation of various contacts can be found HERE

From a contact that Billy had with Ptaah on 7th January 2005. Ptaah explains that the Earth rebels more and more and seaquakes increase and endanger the sea coasts with tidal waves. Also Ptaah explains that Earthquakes will increase and also volcanic eruptions. Billy in 1951 warned Humans of Earth about these dangers due to overpopulation and in 2005 Ptaah is also telling us that these dangers are still ever more present as the Human population continues to grow without any control.


Excerpt from "Contact 371" dated January 7th, 2005

All criminal elements that lead wars are responsible for the sea quakes and land quakes, because through the monstrous shaking, through the explosions of bombs and the explosion of explosives of the kind above the earth and under the earth, the entire earth is tormented in its structure. Schuld an Seebeben und Landbeben sind alle jene verbrecherischen Elemente, die Kriege führen, denn durch die ungeheuren Erschütterungen durch Bombenexplosionen und Sprengstoffexplosionen oberirdischer und unterirdischer Art wird die gesamte Erde in ihrer Struktur drangsaliert.
The monstrous shaking disturbs the tectonic plates of the Earth in such a way that unnatural tectonic shifting comes about which leads to sea quakes and earth quakes. Die ungeheuren Erschütterungen stören die Tektonik der Erde derart, dass unnatürliche tektonische Verschiebungen entstehen, die zu Seebeben und Erdbeben führen.

Ptaah continues that Wars, respectively bombs disrupt the tectonic plates and form unnatural shifting. Thus creating or causing Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


Excerpt from "Contact 371" dated January 7th, 2005

Also heavy machines bring the Earth into uproar through their vibrations and disturb the tectonics as it also happens through the great cities in which hundreds of thousands, and indeed millions, of people live. Auch schwere Maschinen bringen die Erde durch ihre Schwingungen in Aufruhr und stören die Tektonik, wie es auch durch die grossen Städte geschieht, in denen Hunderttausende und gar Millionen von Menschen leben.
The weight of the people, buildings, machines and transport concentrated on such places, as well as all other materials, presses, to an extent, on the underground, which thereby burdens the tectonic plates very severely and damages them, whereby devastating earthquakes are released that destroy everything and demand many human lives. Das an solchen Orten konzentrierte Gewicht der Menschen, der Gebäulichkeiten, der Maschinen und Fahrzeuge sowie aller anderen Materialien drückt dermassen auf den Untergrund, dass dadurch die Tektonik sehr stark belastet und beeinträchtigt wird, wodurch verheerende Erdbeben ausgelöst werden, die alles zerstören und viele Menschenleben fordern.
However, all these facts will be just as disregarded, disputed and ridiculed by the competent scientists and by the responsible governments, as they also will generally by the majority of the terrestrial humanity, which, like dumb mutton, allows itself to be led by incapable lead rams into error, misery and ruin. All diese Tatsachen werden jedoch von den zuständigen Wissenschaftlern und von den verantwortlichen Regierenden ebenso missachtet, bestritten und lächerlich gemacht, wie auch allgemein vom Gros der irdischen Menschheit, das sich wie dumme Hammel durch unfähige Leitböcke in die Irre, ins Elend und Verderben führen lässt.

From the facts here Ptaah explains also, as well as Billy in 1951, that the weight of large Cities as well as people, machines and transport contribute to the disturbance of the tectonic plates. The tectonic plates become damaged. Also here Ptaah says that these facts will be disregarded, disputed and ridiculed by the competent scientists and by the responsible governments and by by the majority of the terrestrial humanity. From my own point of view this is very true. I have spend some time searching on the internet trying to find any Earth source that mentions or investigates the impact of large Cities on tectonic plates and/or Earthquakes and I myself could not find any information. As Ptaah said "However, all these facts will be just as disregarded, disputed and ridiculed by the competent scientists and by the responsible governments, as they also will generally by the majority of the terrestrial humanity, which, like dumb mutton, allows itself to be led by incapable lead rams into error, misery and ruin." We are, due to overpopulation, building more Cites and also adding to existing Cities which in tern we are coursing the Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and the retaliation on Nature. The Governments and other powerful people on Earth, who know full well the problem of overpopulation and Billy's material, are doing nothing and Humans of Earth are being led to ruin.

Atom Bomb Testing


Excerpt from "Contact 45" dated February 25, 1976

63. The most dangerous insanity, earthman commits with his underground and above the surface are bomb experiments as well as with those horrible underground explosion-tests, which he declares to be atom bomb tests, however, which in truth are much more dangerous.
64. This is an additional bomb, which is manufactured from natural ur*-products (*ancient and original) of nature, but the effect of which is many thousand times stronger than from the largest atom bomb.
65. Brought to the suitable place to explode, it unleashes an enormous chain reaction, buy which the Earth within only seven to eight minutes is subject to a total firestorm and is atomized.

English translation and various information can be found HERE

Here is a very small excerpt from contact 45 Billy had with Semjase. Here Semjase tell Billy that there is another more powerful bomb being tested and once exploded completely atomizes the Earth around the test site. As we have read from the above section. Bomb testing and bomb explosions stresses the tectonic plates. From my own understanding if you atomize and destroy parts of the tectonic plates then the whole plate becomes unstable due to uneven weight due to the removal of rock etc, on one part of the plate.

The following is a video clip of a underground Atom Bomb test. You can clearly see the ground rise up several meters and shock wave moving across the ground. This severely damages the tectonic plate and causes unnatural stress. Thus Earthquakes and Seaquakes become more apparent and more destructive.

Excerpt from "Earthquakes caused by underground nuclear explosions on Pahute Mesa"

The underground nuclear explosions BENHAM, PURSE, JORUM, and HANDLEY, detonated on Pahute Mesa, initiated earthquake sequences lasting approximately 70, 10, 20, and 60 days, respectively. Earthquakes of magnitude 2.0 or larger in these sequences numbered 2012, 24, 159, and 231, respectively; earthquake magnitudes were all less than 5. The explosion PIPKIN, also detonated on Pahute Mesa, had no apparent effect on seismicity. Ninety-four per cent of the earthquakes with well-determined focal depths occurred at depths shallower than 5 km, and 95 per cent of the located earthquakes were within 14 km of ground zero of the preceding explosion.

From a article from NATIONAL CENTER FOR EARTHQUAKE RESEARCH U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 345 MIDDLEFIELD ROAD MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA 94025 we have information that Earthquakes developed after underground Nuclear Explosions on Pahute Mesa, Nevada. 95% of Earthquakes reported was within a 14 km radius of ground zero.

Oil and Gas Extraction, Mining


Excerpt from "Contact 45" dated February 25, 1976

A while ago, you mentioned several possible ways, by which you obtain lead. With that I noticed that you did not mention a word about mining of ore according to earthly habits. Is this type of mining of the ore not customary with you?
56. A mining of ore or of other minerals on a planet or any other star, we only do in extreme cases of emergency, because this process equates to a destruction of a planet.
57. A planet or other star is never allowed to be exploited in this manner, as this occurs on the Earth.
58. What Earth Man is doing in this regard equates to a destruction of the planet.
59. The first evil effects of this destruction on the Earth are already noticeable for several decades, while the present time already prepares the labor pains for the destruction.
60. That is to be understood in this way, that Earth Man exploits his planet and robs it of the fundamental life energy, in that he robs from it the underground oil and gas and the most diverse ores.
61. This leads to the fact that the Earth suffers shifts within, which leads to enormous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, because slowly the Earth collapses from within.

In 1976 Semjase explains to Billy about the dangers of extracting or mining for Ores, Oil and Gas. We see here that the Plejaren only mine in extreme cases of emergency and never to the degree that is carried out on Earth. From the facts from Semjase mining and extraction of Ores equated to the destruction of a Planet. Line 59 "The first evil effects of this destruction on the Earth are already noticeable for several decades, while the present time already prepares the labor pains for the destruction" we can understand that in 1976 there was already damage to the Earth through Human actions regarding mining for Ores, Oil and Gas. Line 60 "This leads to the fact that the Earth suffers shifts within, which leads to enormous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, because slowly the Earth collapses from within" we can understand that because of this extraction the Earth collapses from with the tectonic plates, thus unbalances the tectonic plates and causes Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


Excerpt from "Drilling may have caused earthquakes" dated 03 November 2008

Cliff Frohlich, "Texas Earthquakes" author and UT-Austin Institute for Geophysics associate director, said three things can trigger seismic activity: injecting high pressure fluids into rock formations beneath the earth's surface, withdrawing large amounts of fluid or gas from the ground and constructing reservoirs and lakes.
"In the last 100 years, there have been about 150 earthquakes," he said. "Of these, there are 12 that are certainly related to oil and gas wells and another 20 to 30 that arguably are related."

Full article can be found HERE

Cliff Frohlich, an UT-Austin Institute for Geophysics associate director, here states that it is known that Oil and Gas extraction can trigger seismic activity. So it is known and told by Earth some scientists that by extracting Oil and Gas we can trigger Earthquakes.


Excerpts from "Are we making earthquakes worse ?" dated April 29, 2009

But to their findings, around 200 earthquakes have been triggered by human activities so far. This can be explained by the billion of tonnes of coal, oil and minerals we have extracted so far.
Mine a Lot of Coal:
Coal provides more than half the electricity in the United States and an even greater percentage in China. That means there are a lot of coal mines working overtime to pull the fossilized fuel out of the Earth. In total, miners pulled 6,195 million metric tons of coal out of the Earth in 2006 alone.
And coal mines often have to pump water out along with the coal, sometimes extracting dozens of times as much water as coal. Add it up and you have a huge change in the mass of a region, and huge mass changes refigure the earthquake stresses of an area, sometimes increasing the chance of an earthquake and other times lowering it. Klose's work suggests that more than 50 percent of the human-triggered earthquakes recorded came from mining operations
Drill a Gusher Dry:
Three of the largest human-caused quakes occurred near a natural-gas field in Uzbekistan, the Gazli. The combination of liquid extraction and injection changed the tectonic action in the field. The biggest of the trio registered as a 7.3. According to a major analysis by Russian scientists, "Few will deny that there is a relationship between hydrocarbon recovery and seismic activity, but exactly how strong a relationship exists has yet to be determined." They caution that in regions where tectonic activity is already high, extracting oil and natural gas could trigger strong quakes.

Full article can be found HERE

Here is a article on website. The article itself is based on articles from a French Magazine. From this article we have clear information that may well be erroneous in regard to the number off 200 Earthquakes triggered by Human activities. This number may be more. Nevertheless the writers and researchers behind the information in this article clearly see and found connections between the mining of Coal and Gas extraction to Earthquakes. One Earthquake registered 7.3 and was caused by the extraction of Gas. The information in this article speaks for itself and the facts from Semjase in 1976 are backed up by some truthful people today around the world who know of the connection between Earthquakes and Oil and Gas extraction and mining.


Excerpts from BBC News "Earthquake in Cumbria felt across neighbouring counties" dated 22 December 2010

People described hearing and feeling the earth moving for "well over a minute" just after 2300 GMT on Tuesday
The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 3.6, was felt in locations across Cumbria and in Lancashire, south-west Scotland, parts of Yorkshire, Northumberland and the Isle of Man
Data from the British Geological Survey (BGS) showed the location of the quake as Coniston, in Cumbria, 9km (5.6 miles) south-west of Ambleside and with a depth of 14.3km (8.9 miles).
Susan Potter, geophysicist at the US Geological Survey, said six earthquakes had been recorded within 50km of the latest quake during the past 40 years.
Of those, two have been of a magnitude of 3.7 - one in 1988 and another in 2009.
"This general region has had earthquakes of the same magnitude in the past," Ms Potter said

Full rticle can be found HERE

From "Contact 45" above Semjase tells Billy that the mining for ores, gas and oil contribute to the distruction of a planet. This distruction leads to shifts within the Earth which leads to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and collapes within the Earth. From the article above "Earthquake in Cumbria felt across neighbouring counties", Cumbria in England witnessed a earthquake of magnitude 3.6. To my knowledge England does not lay on any fault line. England is situated on a tectonic plate named "Eurasian Plate". The nearest fault line is almost center of the Atlantic ocean between Ireland and the east coast of America, which sit on a tectonic plate named "North American Plate".

So what caused this earthquake in December 2010 in Cumbria where there are no fault lines present? In the article above we read that the Cumbria area has had six recorded earthquakes within 50km of this earthquake in the past 40 years, two of these were a magnatude of 3.7.


Excerpt from "The History of Cumbria, the Lake District"

Mining. As early as the 12th Century there is evidence of mining and quarrying in Cumbria, and it probably dates back to Roman times. Everwhere in Cumbria there is physical evidence of this industry to be seen - lead, copper, zinc, baryte, haematite, tungsten, graphite, fluorite, and coal were being mined and quarried.
  • Slate. Some mining still takes place today - for example slate mining continues at the Honister Mine, at the top of Honister Pass. Abandoned mine-workings can be found on fell-sides throughout the district, including the impressive Hodge Close Quarry in Langdale.
  • Graphite. The locally-mined graphite led to the development of the pencil industry, especially around Keswick.
  • Gypsum is the naturally occurring form of Calcium Sulphate in its hydrated form. The anhydrated form also occurs and is usually termed Anhydrite. These minerals occur mainly in three areas in Cumbria where they have been exploited commercially. These areas are around the village of Cotehill, just south of Carlisle, Kirkby Thore in the Eden valley and St Bees Head near Whitehaven. The only site working at present is the Kirkby Thore site.
    Its main use is for the plaster industry from the 1820’s onward. The production of plaster involves crushing the gypsum and then heating it in pans to drive off the water of crystalisation. If heated to about 163ºC only part of the water is driven off and Plaster of Paris is produced. If heated to above 200ºC all the water is lost and a soluble anhydrite is formed. This differs from natural anhydrite because it will reabsorb water and will set as a solid mass. This is the basis of plaster.
    Anhydrite was used in the chemical industry as a component in the production of Sulphuric acid. The Marchon Co at Whitehaven used the extensive deposits below their site for this purpose. Large quantities of anhydrite were quarried in the Eden valley, at Long Meg mine and shipped by rail to the chemical works at Billingham.
  • Haematite. It was known in earlier times that West Cumbria was rich in iron ore but it was not until the 1830's that this valuable mineral was mined here on a significant scale.
    The best quality iron ore to be found anywhere in the world is called hæmatite and it is this rich mineral which is can be found in the limestone layers of West Cumbria. The rich hæmatite deposits are found in a variety of different forms penetrating faults in the Carboniferous limestone strata of West Cumbria.
    Florence Mine Heritage Centre at Egremont, West Cumbria has a heritage centre, and underground mine trips.
  • Coal. Coal mining in West Cumbria dates back to the 13th Century when the monks from St Bees Abbey supervised the opening of coal mines at Arrowthwaite. This long history ended in March 1986, when Haig Pit, Cumbria's last deep coal mine, finally closed. Over 1200 men, women, and children have been killed in the Whitehaven pits while winning coal in workings up to four miles out beneath the Solway Firth.
  • Granite and limestone. Shap has built up around its quarrying activities. As well as limestone, there is the Shap blue granite, and the more famous Shap pink granite, seen throughout Britain in kerbstones and building frontages, and both quarried about two miles south from the village, near Shap Summit.

Full article can be found HERE

Clearly from the article above "The History of Cumbria, the Lake District" we can understand that mining and quarrying has been taking place in the Cumbria area since th 12th century and possibly before. In the article's links you can see photos showing the amount of damage caused to the landscape from 100's of years of mining and quarrying. From my own understanding all this has a cause and effect. The cause is 100's of years of extracting verious ores and minerals from within the Earth, the effect is the unbalancing of weight and disturbance of the Earth deep underground leading to collapes and earthquakes. This is the only logical explination for the continued earthquake activities in Cumbria.

At around 21:00 on January 3rd 2011 a second earthquake hit six miles north-west of Ripon, which is situated in North Yorkshire. The article can be found HERE

Evidence of mining in Yorkshire can be found HERE and HERE going back to 1896

Clearly and truly the extraction of ores damages the Earth and is the cause of the effect which Northern England is experiencing now and has been for some decades. One question that comes into my mind is what is the true extent of the damage to this region and what lies ahead in regards to earthquakes and collapes from within the Earth?



Excerpt from "The Unknown Dangers of HAARP" by Billy Meier

Presently, the HAARP installation is only being used for modest testing yet climatic disturbances are already occurring worldwide which can no longer be disregarded. These facts do not seem to greatly trouble those people, or their followers, who are in charge of the HAARP program. They even deny that natural disasters now occurring on a global scale have anything to do with their dangerous experiments. The Pleiadians/Plejarans insist, however, that there is indeed a direct link between the environmental pollution and destruction, and the global warming. Even though the HAARP tests are still at a low level, the program is already triggering floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and stormy weather conditions.

Full article can be found HERE

Here is a document written by Billy on the HAARP facility in America. In the full article Billy explains what HAARP is and what the planned use for HAARP is. From the Excerpt above Billy writes that the Plejaren insist that HAARP is already triggering floods, volcanic eruptions, Earthquakes and Storms. Yet the people involved in HAARP deny this and continue with their experiments.


Excerpt from "The Unknown Dangers of HAARP" by Billy Meier

However, ongoing HAARP experiments have been to blame for some time now for climatic changes which, in turn, have triggered worldwide earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and environmental catastrophes. Those in charge of the HAARP program deny, of course, that such testing is generating this turmoil. But the Pleiadians/Plejarans categorically state that this is the case. They further contend that HAARP will cause so much destruction, pain, suffering and devastation in the future that neither nature nor any living thing will ever be able to return to a normal state of equilibrium. The long-term effects will negatively influence everything on Earth, and recovery will all but be impossible.

Again Billy clearly states that HAARP experiments are to blame for some time now climatic changes which trigger Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Billy writes here that the Plejaren have warned us that HAARP will cause so much destruction, pain, suffering and devastation that the Earth and all life on Earth will be negatively effected and repair will be impossible.

The following is a video of some possible evidence of HAARP being used over China and causing the recent China Earthquake. Also in this video there are scientist that work on the HAARP project explaining exactly what Billy has said.

The following link is to the HAARP website

In Conclusion

From the facts from Billy Meier and the Plejaren we can understand that Earthquakes have are are getting worse. The root cause is overpopulation and our exploitation of Earth due to the weight of large cities, Damming of rivers and the vibrations from machinery and transport. This stresses the tectonic plates and creates new fault lines (cracks) in the plates. To this old faults open up and ever more Earthquakes and more powerful Earthquakes become the normal cycle. The weight of the cities on the tectonic plates also disturbs them and un natural movement takes place. Thus causing powerful Earthquakes.

Atom Bomb testing is also a major contributor. The vibrations from exploding Bombs underground disrupt the Earth and after the Bomb has exploded Earthquakes develop due to the damaging of the tectonic plate. This is totally illogical and all Bomb testing of every kind should be stopped and abandoned. If the irresponsible Humans on Earth who take part in Bomb tests do not stop then more disastrous Earthquakes and environmental damage will develop including damage to Humans themselves.

The total disregard for the Earths natural elements and the mining for Ores, Gas and Oil extraction is another Earthquake contributor that Earth Humans are the cause of. Today there exists technology that can take away our dependency of Oil and Coal and the destruction of our Planet. It is now known by some truthful Earth Humans that mining, Oil and Gas extraction is linked to Earthquake activity. Semjase told Billy in 1976 that the Earth was already damaged by our extraction for Ores and Gas and we are now in 2009. The increased damage which has been caused to the tectonic plates by Humans is going increase Earthquake activity in the future as the damaged disruptive plates move.

Finally the madness of Earth Humans hold no boundaries in the form of HAARP. Sending high frequency radio waves into the ionosphere then reflecting them back down to Earth. This then vibrates the Earth and disturbs the tectonic plates. Thus causing Earthquakes. The damage from HAARP in respect to the whole of Earth and the ionosphere will become more destructive and be impossible to repair. Truly insane and HAARP should be shut down and abandoned.

The following is a link to a database of Earthquake's and Earthquake activity from Google. The graph and information clearly shows a rise in Earthquake activity in the last 400 years.